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Tamilolgy Institute
Youth Empowerment Seminar Series
Seminar  Series 3 - Religious Thought For Social Harmony

The third seminar on youth empowerment series was held on 15th February 2020 at PILLAR center. The theme was Religious Thought for Social Harmony. Fr. Emmanuel, Director of Pillar, while delivering the inaugural address highlighted that a true religious person cannot be violent; his life will be man-centric. He quoted extensively from the writings of ascetics from different religions to substantiate this view. Dr. Paul Prakash highlighted that faith should not be against reason; every religious person must be critical of his religion. Dr. Anand Amaladass highlighted the violence that is taking place in India in the name of religion. He challenged the youth present there to become critical of the happening in the society. Dr. Joseph Devadason in his presentation insisted on the importance of thinking good and doing good. This will promote healthy individuals in the society who will accept and promote pluralism in the country. Fr. Dhanaraj, a research scholar, in his brief presentation dwelt on folk deities and their festivals which promote unity and communal harmony.


The Participants of the seminar came from Meenakshi College, Arul Anandar College, Institute of Cooperative Management and  Ayya Nadar Janakiammal College (Sivakasi).

Seminar  Series 2 - Growing Gracefully with Leadership Skills

On 14 December 2019 a day seminar for college students was held at PILLAR.  90 students from Meenakshi College, Arul Anandar College, Institute of Cooperative Management and Ayya Nadar Janakiammal college (Sivakasi) participated in it.


The morning sessions dealt with two themes: one on “Goal Setting: A way of Success” by Dr. S. Paul Pragash; and the other on “Time Management” by Dr. Joseph Devadason. The two afternoon sessions concentrated on two historical persons – Martin Luther King Jr. and EVR. Periyar.  


Dr. S. Emmanuel highlighted the leadership role played by Martin Luther King Jr. in liberating the decedents of African black slaves from slavery by peaceful means.  Dr. Anand Amaladass , in his presentation, highlighted the revolutionary thinking of EVR who demolished the Brahmanical powers and brought liberation to the lower castes of  Sudras and Dalits.

Seminar 1 - Self Development - Affective Maturity

On 14 September 2019 a day seminar for college students was held at PILLAR.  69 students from Meenakshi College, Arul Anandar College, Institute of Cooperative Management, Fatima Micheal College of Engineering, Ayya Nadar Janakiammal college (Sivakasi) and  Gandhigram Rural Institute  participated in it.


The morning sessions dealt with  the theme of Affective Maturity which had two lectures, one by  Dr. Joseph Devadasan on emotional intelligence and the other by Dr. Paul Pragash on stress management. The afternoon sessions dealt with two outstanding historical persons, one ancient and another modern, namely,  Manimegalai and Mother Teresa.  Dr. Anand Amaladass critically evaluated the challenging life of  Manimegalai in her times and Dr. S. Emmanuel on the personality of Mother Teresa who dared to love whom the society pushed  to periphery.

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